Weekend Executive MBA Student Jewel Smay
"I am certainly more excited about leadership now that I have learned what my leadership strengths and weaknesses are. My leadership style doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s, and no matter what my weaknesses are, there are always other individuals that I can engage to compensate for them while still being an effective leader. Overall, I am much more confident, and much humbler.”
Regional Medical Director
North Star Anesthesia

Weekend Executive MBA

Class of 2023
Health Care

Prior Education:

University of Illinois,
College of Medicine MD, 2007
Tulsa, Oklahoma


I have an incredible husband and two young daughters (2 and 4 currently), the oldest of which we discovered was autistic during my first year in the program. I managed to balance my life mostly because my husband carried the load on the weekends with our girls. My husband and I prioritized taking mini-vacations together during the first year at the term breaks so that we could connect with each other. Finally, I took lots of power naps and meditation breaks whenever I had to shift gears from work to school work, and they helped me to stay in the moment and perhaps push through fatigue. Overall, I kept my priorities in line with our family priorities and set boundaries around study time.

Before Fuqua

I served as the medical director of an anesthesia group at a community hospital for NorthStar Anesthesia. At the start of my second year at Fuqua, I was promoted to Regional Medical Director, responsible for all of the Anesthesia groups NorthStar manages in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri.


After Fuqua

I am not exactly sure what my plans are, except to be open to pursue leadership positions that expand the scope of my responsibilities so that I can continue to grow and hopefully have impact on a national scale.

Five Tips for Working in Teams

  1. Try to be flexible
  2. Approach each individual relationship from the standpoint of learning from them
  3. Stay connected using several modalities – text, teams, email, social media
  4. Try not to let your team members down
  5. Promise only what you can deliver


Weekend Executive MBA

Top Areas of Career Focus

IT (16%)
Financial Services (14%)
Health Care/Health Services (10%)
Manufacturing/Operations (9%)
Sales/Business Development (8%)
Consulting (8%)

Typical Class Demographics
Weekend Executive MBA

Age Range


Work Experience

5-20 years

Students with Advanced Degrees


Countries Represented



Portrait of Tiffany Clinton, a student in the Weekend Executive MBA program at The Fuqua School of Business.
Weekend Executive MBA

Tiffany Clinton

Class of 2024
Weekend Executive MBA Student Erol Kelter
Weekend Executive MBA

Erol Kelter

Class of 2023
Weekend Executive MBA Student Karim Habbal
Weekend Executive MBA

Karim Habbal

Class of 2023
Weekend Executive MBA Student Jewel Smay
Weekend Executive MBA

Jewel D. Montgomery Smay

Class of 2023